Thursday, December 13, 2007

community service

Cheer leading has alway been a huge part of my life. At Montclair State I am a member of the cheer leading squad. As a team we like to get involved in the community as well. For the past two month every Wednesday me and three other girls from the team volunteer in Rutherford High School to help coach cheer leading. We basically go to the school for about two hours and teach them different stunts in cheer leading. We did not know how it was going to be until we got there the first week. We had to start from the beginning. There is 12 girls on the squad and only 2 have every cheered before. It was a challenge to have to start from the basic but I loved to get involved and help them learn it. Each week you can see the girl growing as a team and really coming together. Two months later the girls are looking better and there goal as a team is to competed at a local competition. I feel the girls really wanted to be and that is what makes the experience great. The competition season has just started so i have another 4 months with these girls. I feel helping out in a community unlike the one i was brought up in helps we widen my view on life and teaching. I hope to one day teach in an urban school and just by volunteering it helps you take the first step to success.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Arts High School

FINALLY! Today I finally got to observe in Arts High School! It was an very interesting day. I was not sure what to expect when spending the day in a classroom with a teacher in Newark! I was definitely excited to go!

It all started about a month ago when i got signed a teacher to observe. I would email the teacher everyday asking when I can come in. I finally got so mad that today I just decide to show up and go with the teacher. The teacher was shocked to find out that I was there waiting for him. After talking to him for a little I realize he has not checked his email in a while. In his classroom where he teaches health he does not have a computer. He said if he had a computer he would of probably show my email and got back to me.

Arts High School in Newark is alot different and similar to my High School in many ways. It is the same because it is a place where you go to learn and decide what path in life to choice. I grew up in an Suburban area which is different than a inner city school. They way the children talk to each other and the way the act is not the same. They have a different liftstyles. but different doesnt make it wrong it is just different. Growing up you alway hear the Stereotypes of teaching in an inner city school. You really do not know anything until you visit a school in Newark. In Arts the students are there because they were picked. They have a goal in life to become something like everybody else.

The day i observed i got to watch two 10th grade health classes. This was great because my major is Physical Education and Health. A lot of times when observing i only get to see the gym but this time i got to see health. The students in both classes were different. The morning class was quite and calm. There was only 15 students in that class. The class was 80 mintues because of block Scheduling. The other class was loud and crazy. They were the dancers as the teacher put it. They come to health after being in their dance class which means they are all wild. I was good to see two different types of classes. You see how it can be when nobody wants to talk or how it is when they cant stop talking.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Open Door...

"In order to affirm the God-given dignity of all individuals, Open Door seeks to aid all the greater Freehold area residents in need and to encourage them to become self-sufficient" said by Marilyn Rusbarsky one of the many volunteers at Open Door. That quote is the mission for Open Door. Open Door is an non-profit social serve organization. Open Door is located in Freehold Borough on 39 Throckmorton Street P.O. Box 1073. To get in touch with any of the volunteer you could call 732-780-1089. The Open Door hours are Monday thru Friday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Open Door started in 1970 as a faculty to give out clothing. It then changed in 1987 to a Faculty to provide food for the needy. Open Door serves the community around them such as Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Marlboro, Millstone and Colts Neck.

Open Door is a non-profit interfaith agency that provides emergency food, emergency funding, mentoring and scholarships. The workers are all volunteers. To be a volunteer means to perform or offer to perform a service of ones own free will. It is administered by a sixteen members volunteer Board of Trustees, two part-time salaried employees and over 150 volunteers. When I visited the faculty I interviewed Marilyn Rusbarsky. Marilyn position at the faculty is simply stated as a worker who volunteered her time to make others lives better. She has been working there for over 10 years now. She said each year the number of families that need help is growing. In an average of a month about 350 families are helped. That means about 1000 people per month. Marilyn said they have five programs within the building. The five programs are a Food Pantry Program, a Lunch Program, an Emergency Funding/Advocacy Program, an After School Program and a Scholarship Program.

Each program has its own way to serve the community. The Food Pantry program provides emergency packaged foods equivalent to a three day supply to qualified individuals and families once a month. The lunch program which consists of sandwiches or hot nutritious meals that are served every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday each week from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm in St. Peter's Episcopal Church Parish Hall at 33 Throckmorton Street. This Church is located next to the Open Door building. The Emergency Funding/ Advocacy Program is to help people in need with their finances. It provides qualified individuals with emergency financial assistance to prevent eviction or utility shutoff, to provide temporary housing and to help pay for medical needs such as prescriptions. There are many people who are scared to ask their family members for money or help, so they come here. The After school Programs are for children to come to get help in school. Whether they are teaching to use the computers or homework questions. Many children come here to use the computers because their families can not afford to buy one. The final Program they offer is the Scholarship Program. To qualify for these scholarships you have to pass the after school program they have. It is to help needy families, who want their children to go to college to get an education to be successful in life.

Open door faculty is a special non profit organizations. It has been running for the past 35 years. The faculty is a small building located in freehold borough. When you walk into the building there are two front desk with people to help you. They are very friendly and willing to help you. To the left of the front desk there is a table with all different kinds of bread and food for the people. By the windows there are different types of books for all ages. Children are always coming in and out of the faculty to get books to read. The faculty was very clean and it looks like they take care of it. There are several rooms such as the dinning hall, pantry packing station, desert table and check in (front desk).

Open door I feel is a very successful organization. In my High School I remember working with Open Door to help people during Christmas time. Open Door give us names of families and what their children wanted for Christmas. We went out and brought the presents they asked for. As a surprise for the families the day before Christmas we went to their house and brought them the presents. We had somebody dress up as Santa Clause to make it seem realistic. I will remember the look on those children faces for years. They were so happy and excited to receive the presents. The parents would thank us a hundred times because we showed we cared about them. I feel everybody should take the time to get invited in our community. A small present or just the visit to their home, made their Christmas. We do not realize what we have until we see what some do not. We take a lot for granted and should be thankful for everything. I feel this is on of the best faculty in our community. They really know how to help make people feel like they have a place on this earth.

Open door clients come to the faculty for many different reasons. The clients are the working poor as well as other low income people such as the elderly, people with disabilities, unemployed, local welfare and persons receiving TANF. TNAF stand for Temporary Aid to Needy Families. Children are 42% of the client base they serve. Assistance is provided to people in need regardless of race, creed, color and nationality. On a personal level people are there to help with their lives. They are there to help in any aspect to make them better off. The facility is a great location in the middle Freehold. Open Door is open and willing to help anybody in need. They are also willing to take any suggestion to make their facility a better place. They are willing to have more people come into volunteer to help our communities out. A way to help is by sending money donation or food and other products to the faculty. Some types of food they ask for are vegetables soups, pastas, cereal, can foods, bread, salt & pepper and rice.Anything that can be sent out without being damage can help. For thanksgvings my family and I brought food for Open Door. We felt it was a good opportunity to get involved in our community.

Life as a teenager...

Imagine yourself back in High School! When life seemed simple but complex at the same time. Is High School like it was when you were in it? The answer to that is probably NO. High School is about finding out who you are and how society views you. It is expressing the unique qualities you have to make you your own person. When attending a football game on Friday November 9 at Howell High I realized many things I did not notice when in school.

I realized student mostly go to the games to socialize. They all meet there to have a good time and to get away from their parents. High school is about growing and becoming the person you want to be. There are many different types of people who attend the games. In the typical high school you have the jocks with the varisty coats, the band, the cheerleaders, goths and the people in between. During the four years in high school you find out what group you belong too. In that group you find people to be your friends. Friends are people who share the same interest and like the same activites you do. They are the people you do everything with.

Inquiry Project

Our project is on parent involvement in Urban Schools. We find it very important for parents to be involved in their childs life. We have found studies to prove that children do better when their parents want to know how they are doing in school.

Here is a "pop quiz" on how parents involvement.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Poor Districts Stranded

State cotninues to fund School Project in Suburbs wile leaving poor distincts stranded...

In New Jesery the state seems to be funding and supporting wealth and middle class suburban areas then poor distincts. The suburban districts are tapping into a funding formula in New Jersey’s School Construction law, known as "Section 9." Section 9 requires the State to provide aid for a portion of the ongoing interest payments on local school construction bonds. Construction is being done to make the schools bigger and better for the students to learn in. They are building these schools to help benefit the future youth.
I feel this is great that the state wants to help fund but not funding the urban area is wrong. The urban areas is where the schools need the construction. They need the money to help their schools be successful in learning. I feel as future teacher we need to stand up for the Urban school and help them get the money they need. For me, visiting an Urban school really opened my eyes. I come from a suburban area where I alway got the top technology and top everything mostly to help us learn the material. I realize I want to work in an Urban area so I can help them achieve their goals in life. I want to make a different in somebodies life. We should start helping the Urban by starting with the state. We have to show them that the Urban school should get the same amout of funds or even more. They need to fix their schools and get connect to the advance technology available.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

AHHHHHHHH! 1 month!

Where did the time go? I feel like we just started this semester but in reality we only have about a month left. This is the hardest month for a student I feel because we have so much work due before the end of the semester and so little time to do it. I am starting to feel the pressure of trying to write my papers or study for that last exam to get good grades. Grades are very important to me. My parents have alway pushed for me to get good grades. They alway say "I do not want you to be like I was in School.. study and get good grade.. you'll thank me one day." I never thought I would thank them because I hated going to School and i hated studying until i got to College. I realized the hard work I put into my schooling paid off and I am happy I worry about grades because if I didn't I would probably fail.